
Showing posts from August, 2009

In the swim

Frustrated at the lack of paddling opportunities at Southport , and fed up with my own shilly-shallying about the possible effects of chlorine on Katy's eczema, I took a snap decision to push the boat out (ho, ho) and zoom down to our local pool so she could experience swimming for the first time. We gate-crashed the last 30mins of a 'women only' session, which was conveniently quiet as Ramadan has just started! She liked it! I can't say she loved it, but she wasn't at all overwhelmed by the size of the place (no special children's pool). And she did look especially cute in her little swimsuit complete with built-in swim nappy and frilly bottom! On the walk home we shared a raspberry ripple ice-cream, which made me realise more than ever that I'm no longer just looking after a baby, we're building a mother-daughter relationship.

Moving on up: 2

Inspired, perhaps, by Katy's promotion , I have just taken a step up the academic library career ladder and have now attained the status of Faculty Team Manager (Arts) at the John Rylands University Library . This means I'm now managing the team of what used to be called ' subject specialists' or 'academic liaison librarians' responsible for resources, enquiries and information skills training (or: how to find stuff) for academic staff and students in all the Arts Faculty subjects. It's not supposed to start until September 1st, but inevitably I'm having to fill the vacuum already - and will have to do my old job for another month until my replacement can be found. We celebrated with an extravagant meal of fish, chips & mushy peas washed down with Veuve Cliquot!

Sand between her toes

A beach babe! Beach being the operative word (rather than "seaside"), as reaching the sea at Southport entails a major hike. Paddling is postponed until we can visit somewhere like Formby, and maybe spot some red squirrels too. Closer to home, she's been enjoying our friends' back garden paddling pool with young chum Euan - in fact I don't think I've seen her so excited before!

How are proms like buses?

You wait all summer then 3 come along at once. Watch BBC4 at 8.45 to spot Owen in 2nd half of tonight's prom. Pic is Katy at less than 1 day old, as she's been regressing to baby habits + full-time breastfeeding due to tummy bug. That and ear now better thanks to antibiotics - but what an age to start!

Moving on up

Katy has been promoted! She's been so much at ease with the staff and older babies in the room next door at nursery that she's been moved up early. Since then she's hardly spent any time there, as she's gone down with a gastric bug + ear infection. So we've had our first experience of midnight trips to A+E, what a trauma! Nobody thinks it's swine flu, thank God, tho she is currently snuggling across my lap like a little piglet.