Getting a skinful?

Cava for Katy! Only joking, honest (she prefers a good malt whisky). At a recent get-together of our NCT antenatal class we had 2 birthdays to celebrate, and I discovered that that tho' I'm the oldest mum in the group there are 2 others the wrong side of 40. It was really exciting to see how babies develop differently: one with teeth already, another doing tremendous belly laughs, and the smallest but eldest sitting up unaided. Not that this kind of thing makes us competitive you understand, but Katy was the most linguistically advanced and clearly the longest. Funny you can't really say 'tallest' of someone who doesn't stand up. Her latest trick is to pivot round from her head, whilst gleefully holding onto a big toe. Less happily she has been plagued by infant eczema, which has ruined sleep for all of us. This is when one appreciates being in an amateur orchestra dominated by medics, as the 1st bassoon is a consultant dermatologist - very handy.