Oh! Deer!

This wintry weather has provided lots of opportunities for 'firsts'. On 2nd January the three of us went for our first family walk in the park, to Didsbury's Fletcher Moss Gardens, looking enchanted in the snow (pictured). Then my new friend new mum Sharon (another sarf Londoner astray in the north west) drove me & Katy to Dunham Massey, where she experienced the squawking of canada geese and mallard ducks, the squeaking of coots, and saw her first deer. (Well to be absolutely honest, I saw the deer on her behalf, as she was asleep by that stage). Then we broke out the sandwiches in the picnic area, picturesquely situated next to a frozen stream, and I tried my first breast-feeding al fresco - oh dear!
Happily the breast feeding seems to be working well in general, however, as during the 4 weeks since we last had her weighed before Christmas Katy has made a tremendous growth spurt and rocketed from the 25th to the 50th centile on her growth chart (in case that should mean anything to you). In layperson's terms that makes her officially if not a bouncing baby then at least a very bonny one. Maybe all the chocolate and G&Ts consumed by her mother had a positive effect.