Deep, deeper ...

Chomsky, Pinker et al posit a deep, universal grammar and a language gene. Katy has certainly inferred the rules for the regular formation of the comparative and superlative and is surprisingly resistant to the idea of exceptions to the rule.
"Let's have a race and see which one goes farest"
We say 'furthest' darling.
"NO! FARest!"

But there are also uncertainties in life. Yesterday's pondering - whilst enjoying a sunny spring evening in the garden - was "I wonder where the sky ends". Last year she asked me "Is there any way of stopping the next day from coming?"

This evening we tackled the first 2 books in the Usborne reading scheme (in the bath, always a very productive place). A year ago she struggled valiantly with these but she has picked up a lot of individual words in the meantime, and when we looked at them again she was delighted to find that she could actually read them! The joy and pride on her face were wonderful to see. As I went on to wash her hair I sighed "Ah Katy, you'll find that there's nothing better than reading a good book". "No Mummy, there is something: love."

Out-worthied by a 4-year-old. And she can out-pedant me as well.


Ellie Byram said…
She is brilliant. An absolutely charming girl with a balanced head. X X x

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