Summer holiday, part the second

Those eight days were our first chunk of summer holiday 2011. On August 3rd Katy had her first night away from us, as she had a sleepover with her cousins in Newark. She had a wonderful time and was very well behaved (unless Barbara's not telling us something), and came back a noticeably more confident and grown-up little girl. She now goes to children's meeting at Quakers without us, which makes a huge difference to our Sundays.
We made the most of our escape, and stayed at what might be My Best Hotel Ever, the Bailhouse in Lincoln: small but perfectly formed. I managed to forget my phone, but there are some lovely pictures on the hotel website. The weather forecast was bad, but when we arrived it was 30 degrees! This necessitated a quick trip to the shops, as that pool was irresistible. Primark has its uses: all kitted out for £15.


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