There went the sun
Blazing June is here! Owen sped off to Kendal with a colleague this morning for a micro-performance of Don Giovanni, leaving me and Katy with a gloriously sunny Saturday and the car keys. The world is our oyster: where shall we go, what shall we do? Playground, nearby city farm, even Chester Zoo? No, Katy wants the paddling pool in the back garden - all day. So we have a whale of a time, splashing around naked (Katy), sunbathing and drinking a can of beer (me), admiring the washing drying on the line, and periodically dragging the paddling pool round our handkerchief lawn chasing the sun round the shadow of the house.
After all the excitement she voluntarily went to bed early. By the time I'd finished the last bedtime story the clouds had closed in and rain had soaked my previously bone-dry washing. But after all the fun we had today I say: it's alright.
After all the excitement she voluntarily went to bed early. By the time I'd finished the last bedtime story the clouds had closed in and rain had soaked my previously bone-dry washing. But after all the fun we had today I say: it's alright.
