Learning can be fun

I hope you like the blog in its latest garb. I've added a fixed page with a comparative table of Katy's vocabulary with mine at age 17 1/2 months. Might not be very legible in blog format, but it makes interesting reading.
Since about 19 months her vocabulary has expanded too quickly for me to keep a list any more, and she's also linking words together in little phrases: Mummy sit here, or Daddy help. On the way home from nursery today she came out with Oboe, Mummy play.

She's also demonstrating early signs of sharing the Kirkwood enjoyment at playing with language. I've been using her immediate environment to teach her new words and pairs of opposites, like the hot tap and cold tap in the bathroom. One morning we are doing the usual getting dressed routine, and we've reached the sock stage. "Left foot, right foot" I say.
"Left foot, right foot" repeats Katy. "Hmmm. Hot foot, cold foot."

Another time on the changing table I gave her a book to amuse herself.
"Katy read it", she said with great enthusiasm. Soon she was waving her legs in the air and saying "Toe read it".


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