MMR, molars and more
Katy's just had her MMR jab + one other booster and suffered no side-effects so far - just waiting for the possible delayed effects at 6 days and 6 weeks! She's stayed cheeful despite being jabbed in the legs, having a cold, and growing her first molar.
My translation skills at her communication attempts have improved, and I've now worked out that when she says "da" (usually accompanied by a pointing finger) it means "look at that interesting thing there", whereas when she says "ma" (plus outstretched fingers) it means she wants "more" of something.
My translation skills at her communication attempts have improved, and I've now worked out that when she says "da" (usually accompanied by a pointing finger) it means "look at that interesting thing there", whereas when she says "ma" (plus outstretched fingers) it means she wants "more" of something.