"Who's here?"

It's Iggle-Piggle!

The only TV programme Katy even pretends to watch is In the Night Garden, where the tiniest happenings contribute to what passes for a storyline, everyone has their own little song (incongruously and not always very accurately performed by narrator Derek Jacobi), and every episode concludes with the same 'going to sleep' routine. A very successful concept.
Three significant tiny happenings this week. A 6th tooth has appeared, without any hassle. For the first time Katy put 'her' CDs back into the box she'd tipped them them out of (quote from the nursery staff: "She's a right one for taking things out of boxes"). As a librarian, I find this reassuring. Perhaps most exciting: she has been confidently pushing her trolley up and down the hallway with all the control of a rally car driver. Surely independent steps can only be days away?


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