Brahms had long arms ... ¤

Just look at the length of that little finger: she could play any instrument she liked, even double-bass (would need to drive a large car too, of course). She already makes a great range of sounds, from high-pitched squeals of delight to low grunts, and the other day made her first vowel-consonant combination: maa.
¤ Special prize if you can complete this rhyme!
You know, if her shirt were a guitar and the hoops frets, she'd be holding down a 7+9 - the famous Hendrix chord (in the first inversion). A rock chick in the making?
But to move on to more important matters:
Brahms had long arms.
By me. Roughly following the internal rhyme scheme. (With apologies to Clio. And anyone with the slightest affection for scansion):
Brahms had long arms.
One day, so men say,
He was dancing and prancing
At a ball, in a hall.
A fellow, all mellow,
Was stumbling and tumbling
And retching and leching.
Drunk as a lord. Oh, Gord!
Brahms reached out, and preached out:
"You distress. You're a mess!"
With his long arms, his strong arms,
He hit out at the the nit.
The nit bled from his head.
Brahms' big long arms
Led him to bed.
(Heaving whilst leaving)
Some guests asked, distressed:
"Who is that doofus?"
As he cried, Brahms replied:
It's Liszt. He's piszt.
Do I get the prize?