And so to bed

As Katy's about to graduate from Moses basket to cotbed I thought I'd record all the elements of her surprisingly reliable current sleep set-up, which guarantees that she'll go peacefully to sleep every evening by 8 o'clock. [Sorry that my phone's camera seems to have turned the image on its head.]
1. Grandad Kirkwood's microwavable wheat pillow, to pre-warm the bed.
2. CD of Arvo Part's Spiegel im Spiegel (nearly sent me to sleep the first time I heard it - and that was in the middle of a dinner party).
3. Swaddling blanket (never fails to stop the flails of limbs).
4. Dummy - emergency use only.
5. Head-hugger. Made from rolled up terry nappy, the only use such an item is likely to find in the real world.
6. Cot book, to read quietly to herself when she wakes at 1:30 or at 5:50 (dream on, Rachel).
7. Suitably fed, burped + bathed baby, worn out from all the excitement of being alive (item not shown).
7. Suitably fed, burped + bathed baby, worn out from all the excitement of being alive (item not shown).