
Showing posts from December, 2014

Little clan at Lytton Road

Day after boxing day 2014

Christmas camels

OK so camels might belong more properly to epiphany than Christmas, but Katy was given a lovely cuddly reminder this Christmas of our summer holiday visit to the camel oasis in East Anglia. She quickly labelled the furry creature with a sign declaring "I amle a camle" - which may not be the conventional spelling, but neither is the thinking behind it.

Banished for all eternity!

Poor Katy has been troubled by a really chesty cough since the last week of term. Tonight I was worried enough to want to keep an eye/ear on her through the night so I suggested she sleep in the big bed and we send Daddy to her bed (when he gets back from work about midnight). This really cheered her up and she delightedly wrote this triumphant note:

59 minutes to save Christmas (2)

The snowman in the snow globe has got all confused and is singing 'Summer Holiday' instead of wintery songs. Can the children remind him of 'Jingle Bells' maybe? Yes! But has anyone got a song sheet? Katy's hand shoots up. "I have but I left it in my cello case! " Ooh, what a middle class giveaway!

59 minutes to save Christmas! (1)

Due to the mean Professor Meanwood and his contaminating pink smoke the Christmas tree fairy has got fed up with Christmas, thinks herself ugly, and has  thrown off all the baubles from the tree. Katy eagerly leads the way for other children to cheer her up and decorate the tree with special things made by hand.

Letter to the Tooth Fairy


Tea towel time

Katy's artwork features twice on this year's school tea towel: a self-portrait (below the year 2015), and a picture of Ms Harrison (to the left of INFANT).