
Showing posts from November, 2010

Milestones and toilet seats

At 2 years and 2 months Katy is moving out of toddlerdom and into 'early childhood'. Her language skills are becoming ever more advanced: she can name most letters of the alphabet and recognise them in different contexts ("that's an M for Mummy"). From about age 2 she was starting to use pronouns, but was mixing them up ("Mummy, sit next to you" meant "sit next to me"); now she has mastered even the deictic pronouns although she doesn't always get the case right: "Let I tuck you up" she tells her toys. As well as knowing numbers in sequence she has actually grasped the concept of 'twoness' and 'threeness' ("there's three cars", "look, two green bottles"). Talking of number twos ... we've started toilet training and she's making steady progress now - though initially I thought that what we saved on nappies we were spending on carpet cleaner!