The Philosophical Baby
I'm enjoying reading a book called "The Philosophical Baby", and have just reached a chapter on developmental psychology which explores our understanding of consciousness. All fascinating stuff, and much more stimulating than the manual of parenting that's also a permanent resident on my bedside table. We've also just received a report on Katy's development from the nursery, based on a week of 'observations'. As if we didn't know it already, we read that "Katy has an understanding and awareness of herself as being separate from others and she knows her own likes and dislikes." Funny that this coincides with a sudden enthusiasm for saying her own name - when previously she would only whisper it. If I ask her "Are you a cheeky monkey?" she denies this with an assertive "Baby!" Also from the report: "Katy has a huge interest in the way musical instruments sound". Well, what a surprise!