
Showing posts from February, 2009


And the 10 drawings? Were Da Vinci's, at their last stop on tour. Exquisite, and very, very old. If you look closely at the last pic you can see an old master (or young mistress) underneath, as Katy's buggy is reflected in the exhibition poster! Today's blurry photo features her cousin Jack, visiting from Munich. He loves that he can come to England and still speak his preferred German to his aunt.

Two teeth and ten drawings

Another tooth has appeared! Just as well then (for me) that we've started the exciting but messy process of weaning, now that Katy's approaching the 6 month mark. She enthusiastically wolfs down a bowl of baby rice every morning, and has also tried: Banana Apple Bread Toast Cheddar cheese (pulled a horrified face but still swallowed it) Croissant (but don't tell anyone about that).

An eye for an eye, and ...

A tooth! A tooth! Clearly visible and razor-sharp. Sorry, but photographing a baby's tooth is like trying to bath a cat, so you'll just have to believe me. And just to confound us, after nights of behaving like an unsettled newborn, last night she went straight down and slept 11 hours without so much as a whimper.

Not a happy bunny!

Rarely have I seen an animal do p*ssed off as well as this dejected rabbit on a cold January day, sharing a pen with some shrieking cockatiels at our local park 'pets corner'. Katy was most taken by all the bright colours and cacophony, eyes wide with amazement. Her eczema is under control thanks to a regime of intensive moisturising, which turns a wriggly baby into a wriggly slippery baby.